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The Dilemmas Between AANR and FKK Clarified<br /> Hey everybody I am back from my small hiatus! All the craze of the vacations and throwing our Naked Year's Eve party put out the blogging, but now here's the newest news of us.<br />You may have seen some on-line yak in several locations about us and AANR- The America Association For Nude Recreation. If you haven't you have got a lot to catch up on too! We started up some debating in press releases, websites and comments, and so forth.<br />AANR and Naturist Portal<br />First check out this press release we sent out, &quot;Young Nudists Show the AANR how it is done&quot;. (That got their attention.)<br />Then our friend Nudiarist interviewed and wrote us an excellent post on his blog! [https://www.blackplanet.com/borupbraswell81/message/21243427 http://eurica.net/go?https://picsnudists.com] here.<br />Next, their website reply about us, &quot;Can Not naturist groups just all get along?&quot; The remarks are extremely interesting to read!<br />Afterward there's also Nudiarist's follow up site, &quot;Disappointing Answer from AANR&quot; which has some remarks to read too.<br />Last, but not least, our reply in a press release!<br />&quot;Naturist Portal Reponse to AANR&quot;<br />Young Naturists &amp; Naturists America was founded to boost the naturist movement and through this movement, body recognition, particularly among the 18-35 generation. We understand about other young naturist groups, including Vita Nuda; we've even been involved with Vita Nuda in Florida, but recognized its lack of existence in the northeast since its start. So we believed it was time to take it up a notch and do our own thing, while being open to cooperation with other groups.<br />We contacted AANR through different avenues, but they did not react. So we put out a press release and at last got some attention! For the record, we weren't looking for cheap headlines or to knock the AANR, but instead to make them take notice of the younger folks in the movement and the role that they've / should play. Moreover, it is easy to have a following in places like Florida, but to create something in our place It seems like if things are tough afterward organizations aren't willing to invest money and time. With the capital that large organizations have, why do 3 young folks should invest all their savings and most of the time to create something while the greatest organization does not even offer any recognition let alone support?<br />We should all get along, and for FKK it's more of a moral problem. In all honesty, the movement is one thing and money is another thing. We are one of the only groups we know of that's willing to lose time and money for the cause. Just like any business or movement, FKK will have to locate a way to make some cash as well; otherwise we won't be able to live, but that's in no way our main aim.<br />Lastly, [https://www.chilterntraveller.co.uk/members/reevesskovsgaard42/activity/661051/ http://1320go.com/ads/redirect_to.php?url=https://nudist7.xyz] welcome criticism, ideas and opinions so if anyone has any problem with FKK or its members then please try to contact us directly first, rather than assaulting us from afar.<br />Since the start of all this chatter AANR has e-mailed us, apologized for miscommunication and posted a reference about our coming Bare Year's Eve on their website, so for that we should thank them. We hope to create an optimistic line of communication from here on out and perhaps some cooperation in the foreseeable future!<br />We might also like to take this opportunity to thank Nudiarist for his devotion to the cause and superb site. Keep up the great work!<br />YouthfulYoung Naturists &amp; Young Naturists America<br />That's the whole story! Please comment and let's know what you think of it all! It's always great to spark discussion :)<br />Young Naturists and Naturists America FKK<br />Tags: AANR, organizations, young nudists and naturists<br />Group: Felicity's Nudist Blog, Nudism and Naturism, Naturist Organizations, Social Nudity Blogs<br />About the Author (Author Profile)<br />Writer of Naturist Site. Co-founder of Nudist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. Feminist. 70% vegan, 30% vegetarian. After I'm not active eating, I'm writing about naturism, censorship, topfree equality, body image and other fun subjects. I like feedback, so plz leave a comment when you have got something to say!
誰說我們付給補習明星時,他們正獲得銀行家般的薪水。<br />上週,《現代教育》(Modern Education)在當地報紙上發表公開信,向競爭對手信標學院(Beacon College)的明星導師林逸妍(Lam Yat-yan)支付8500萬港元(如果他跳船並帶走25,000名學生)。<br />現在,Beacon已申請首次公開募股。那些很少閱讀其招股說明書的人可能會被其眾多警告之一震驚。<br />它說:“這樣的私人補習服務對我們集團的損失可能會導致學生入學率大幅下降,並對我們的業務產生重大不利影響。”<br />好吧,現年28歲的林先生是Beacon的頂級家教和搖錢樹,在上一個財政年度單身為學校賺了約1.31億港元,約佔其總收入3.28億港元的40%。如果您想知道Modern Education提出的8,500萬港元的刺激性報價僅僅是為了尋求關注,您可能會再考慮。教授中文的林先生非常值得。他輸給Be火台將是災難性的,儘管到目前為止他說他不會離開。<br /><br />他在Facebook上寫道:“多出的5,000萬港元,8,000萬港元對我來說沒有任何關係。”<br /><br />現代教育在信標上的引人注目的舉動不僅僅在於挖拔明星員工,還在於破壞主要競爭對手的上市野心。 這確實是一件令人討厭的事情,部分是因為有這麼多錢危在旦夕。 市場研究機構Euromonitor估計,該行業去年的收入超過10億港元。 大約有180,300名學生進入 [https://www.pinterest.com/bjerregaarddissing/ 補習] 社學校學習,其中大部分來自中學。<br />這種寄生的生意以我們的教育系統效率低下為生,並以年輕學生及其父母的不安全感為生。 該行業的年收入為10億港元,佔政府在中學教育上支出的4%以上。<br />當然,一些私人補習是不可避免的。 但是,如果我們的學校和教育系統運轉正常,父母就不必每年支付10億美元來為子女提供上門補習收費幫助。 相反,私人補習已經成為學生之間不斷升級的軍備競賽。 這就是為什麼這是一個偉大的生意。<br />

Revision as of 07:24, 25 May 2020

上週,《現代教育》(Modern Education)在當地報紙上發表公開信,向競爭對手信標學院(Beacon College)的明星導師林逸妍(Lam Yat-yan)支付8500萬港元(如果他跳船並帶走25,000名學生)。
好吧,現年28歲的林先生是Beacon的頂級家教和搖錢樹,在上一個財政年度單身為學校賺了約1.31億港元,約佔其總收入3.28億港元的40%。如果您想知道Modern Education提出的8,500萬港元的刺激性報價僅僅是為了尋求關注,您可能會再考慮。教授中文的林先生非常值得。他輸給Be火台將是災難性的,儘管到目前為止他說他不會離開。


現代教育在信標上的引人注目的舉動不僅僅在於挖拔明星員工,還在於破壞主要競爭對手的上市野心。 這確實是一件令人討厭的事情,部分是因為有這麼多錢危在旦夕。 市場研究機構Euromonitor估計,該行業去年的收入超過10億港元。 大約有180,300名學生進入 補習 社學校學習,其中大部分來自中學。
這種寄生的生意以我們的教育系統效率低下為生,並以年輕學生及其父母的不安全感為生。 該行業的年收入為10億港元,佔政府在中學教育上支出的4%以上。
當然,一些私人補習是不可避免的。 但是,如果我們的學校和教育系統運轉正常,父母就不必每年支付10億美元來為子女提供上門補習收費幫助。 相反,私人補習已經成為學生之間不斷升級的軍備競賽。 這就是為什麼這是一個偉大的生意。