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<h1>社交網絡經理,等等</h1><br /><br /><p>  新知開拓視野,科技改變生活。習近平總書記強調,科學技術從來沒有像今天這樣深刻影響著國家前途命運,從來沒有像今天這樣深刻影響著人民生活福祉。  當今時代,新一輪科技革命和產業變革正在孕育興起。新的知識和科技發展正如潮涌一般,把我們帶到前人未曾涉足的領地。</p><br /><br /><p>從今天起,本版推出“新知”欄目,和讀者一起,捕捉不斷涌現的新知識、把握影響未來的新趨勢。  技術發展正在快速改變我們的社會,也改變著人們的職業規劃。據媒體預測,數據分析師將是未來最重要的工作之一。或許不久的將來,一家企業中80%的崗位,都要求掌握數據分析能力。  在大數據時代,數據分析有多重要?</p><br /><br /><p>對企業來說,面對大數據“洪流”,要想從中提取有效信息,“如同從打開的高壓水管中喝水一樣困難”。也正因此,在當前數字化浪潮下,把海量數據變成可用信息,挖掘數據價值並使其有效落地,真正服務國計民生,成為各家IT服務商的必爭之地。  人工智能日益發達的今天,為什麼還需要數據分析師?</p><br /><br /><p>其中一個原因是,人工智能需要大量的數據來學習和識別,它們對事物的解讀和人類迥然不同。比如,人類很容易辨別一張圖片中,孩子正在啃的是一個蘋果,而為了教會算法精確識別一個蘋果,需要提供數萬張甚至數百萬張的蘋果圖片。  另外,和一些人認為的大數據時代“文科無用”截然相反,有專家認為,大數據時代,傳統的“文科生”更容易找到好工作。</p><br /><br /><p>這裡所說的“文科”,是指需要和人打交道的工作,比如市場研究員,還有咨詢、教育、娛樂業等,都不是純技術性工作。數據顯示,技術進步背景下,世界范圍內,過去幾年此類就業崗位增加了三成左右。  大數據時代,把文科的見識和理工科的技術結合起來,有可能產生新的藍海。社交網絡經理,等等。</p><br /><br /><p>  更為重要的是,具有人文思維的數據分析師,可能會注意到趨勢背后的“慢變量”。相較於我們每天都能接觸到的信息,所謂“慢變量”指的是我們平時不常接觸,但是卻對未來有重要影響的變量。比如氣候的變化、海水的潮汐、冰川的凝結與消融,等等,這些緩慢形成的真實存在,對我們的世界產生著巨大的影響。</p><br /><br /><p>  根據“摩爾定律”,我們正生活在一個不斷加速的世界中:更快的電腦、市場、潮流、產品周期,甚至連我們的思維、動作也在加速。但與此同時也有人開始產生疑問,為什麼速度越快,時間越少?或許,面對信息時代的洶涌波濤,我們更應該用一顆人文之心,去關注那些緩慢、持久而堅定的“慢變量”。</p><br /><br /><p>立訊精密在對營收佔比進行分析時就用到了多個維度,分別從產品應用、集團、區域、客戶等角度統計其營收、毛利和毛利率,可以幫助企業高層了解當月及往月的市場份額情況。例如某一客戶類別的營收多個月持續下降,就要分析是否客戶持續壓價或者客戶新增了替代廠商,可以通過一定管理方法去識別,最終規避風險。</p><br /><br /><p>立訊精密在帆軟報表BI數據分析平台的基礎上建立了一套完善的報表說明及操作手冊。對每一張分析報表用統一的編碼規則進行編號,寫明報表的目的、業務邏輯和使用方法(某些聯動、鑽取或參數的使用),方便使用者參照與學習,避免反覆溝通帶來的人力浪費。在經營報表推廣使用之後,立訊精密開始非財務相關的管理報表的開發。</p><br /><br /><br /><br /><p>其中包含了採購、銷售、生產、人資等模塊。管理報表的開發原則是每一張報表必須有相應的業務場景,是為了解決實際問題而開發的,不能是簡單的數據匯總與展示,要結合管理理念責任到人才有作用。下面挑生產庫存來簡單說明下。</p><br /><br /><p>一般對庫存的分析重點都會放在提高周轉率,而對庫存周轉率的分析又離不開庫齡、庫存空間、庫存結構等。立訊前期採用如下庫齡的分析圖表,按不同庫齡段對庫存金額進行統計,再細分到不同業務處,但發現整改效果不佳。後來經過優化,採取了下面圖表分析的方法。</p><br /><br /><p>將成品備貨金額根據不同客戶、不同業務部門、不同負責人進行排名,直接定位因大量備貨導致庫存積壓的「始作俑者」。將超期庫存根據超期的天數、所佔庫存的空間折算為成本損失,然後推送給直接責任人及其主管。備貨導致的庫齡問題得以解決,庫存空間也節省下來了,庫存周轉率也就上去了。</p><br /><br /><p>其整改效果非常好,而且可以根據整改階段適當調整應整改的庫存天數的閾值,循序漸進,讓業務部門也比較容易接受。目前立訊精密處在數據分析工作規劃的第三階段,也就是行動推送。這塊要結合前面的經營報表和管理報表來做,實現發現問題、知會責任人、解決問題、反饋結果的PDCA循環。</p><br /><br /><p>異常指標。超過預警線或在預設的業務邏輯之外的數據,第一時間反饋到責任人,提高解決問題的時效性。待辦事項提醒。某些問題指標可能無法確定責任人,但是可以鎖定到部門,可以將這些數據推送給部門數據分析師或經理助理,需要進一步人為分析才能確定原因並解決。報告推送。</p><br /><br /><p>企業內部一些生產日報、銷售月報、財務年報等,在會議前或者固定的時間節點推送給需要知會的人,提高工作效率。</p><br /><br /><p>績效管理的工作重心不是梳理一套完整的績效考核指標(這個相信任何一家企業用一定的時間都可以梳理出來),而是在於如何去推行、如何讓涉及到直接利益關係的員工理解並接受它、如何在一次績效考評結果出來後大家不是在吐槽績效管理工作的漏洞而是在想下一次如何提高自身的工作績效,這就是所謂的讓管理有依有據、讓員工心悅誠服。</p><br /><br /><p>立訊精密在前面三個階段未完成前並未正式開始績效管理的數據化工作,但是卻做了很多鋪墊工作,既然不可能一蹴而就,那就用量變引導質變。前面報表中的分析指標以及行動推送的指標其實都是在潛移默化的讓員工去接觸、理解並最終接受的過程,這些指標後面都可以用來作為績效管理的指標。</p><br /><br /><p>最後簡單介紹下內部人員檔案對績效管理的作用。立訊精密整合ERP、OA、MES等業務系統的數據,利用帆軟BI系統平台,將與人相關的數據整合到一張報表中。包含基本資料、薪資動態、考勤情況、考核狀況、獎罰情況、部門調動資料等入職後所有的履歷。</p><br /><br /><p>後續再加入前面行動推送的異常指標,次數或涉及的損失金額或外部門的投訴次數,為後面的績效管理提供了有力的參考依據。不到一年時間,立訊精密就完成了財務、銷售、生產、採購、人資等多個業務模塊的數據整合。引導業務部門梳理業務邏輯、根據實際使用者需求開發報表。從無到有、從簡單二維表到多維度分析圖表,業務部門反饋好,管理層也高度認可。自上而下的獲得認同、為使用者解決問題的思路、分步執行循序漸進的方法值得企業借鑒。</p><br /><br /><p>因此,運用視覺化的數據管理來支撐業務層對於企業運營狀況的全局掌控,利用科學化的管理手段來配合企業的決策層和管理層,成為我們IT建設的又一重要目標。燕塘乳業經過50多年的發展,已成為集養殖業、研發加工、市場行銷、物流運輸、資本運作於一體的大型綜合性乳品企業集團。2014年在深圳A股成功掛牌上市(股票代碼:002732),正式登陸資本市場。燕塘乳業有著完善的行銷網路和配送系統,遍布超過3000個零售網點和1000多所中小學校,銷售範圍覆蓋廣東省88個市縣、1140個鄉鎮,同時還輻射福建、廣西、海南等周邊區域。</p><br /><br /><p>決定需要自動化處理的顧客接觸點,並確定數據的儲存處以及數據應怎樣傳輸。最後,挑選合適的軟體供應商。在企業弄明白它要做什麼之後,把能夠儘可能完善主要的顧客中心流程的軟體提供商列出一個清單。當企業有了一套清晰的思考過程,就能使它將自己的目標於各個軟體供應商的目標相比較,從而篩掉不瞭解企業目標的供應商。</p><br /><br /><p>天拓咨詢市場研究中心監測數據顯示:2013年9月,三大航國內航線客運周轉量同比增速均明顯回調:國航、南航、東航同比分別上漲7.40%、7.35%和5.00%;投放運力方面,國航、南航、東航國內航線可用座公里同比分別上漲7.30%、10.80%和6.97%;客座率方面,國航、南航、東航本月同比分別變化-0.70pct、-2.50pct和-1.52pct至81.40%、79.20%和79.98%。</p><br /><br /><p>本月三大航運力投放增速與客運周轉量增速環比全面下挫,客座率均不及去年同期表現。南航在國內航線上運力增速在上月創近三年單月新高后本月回落至10.80%,但繼續領跑三大航,運力投放放緩與客運需求不振致使南航本月客運周轉量同比上漲7.35%,增速較上月下跌了5.75pct,跌幅較大。</p><br /><br /><p>東航運力增幅同樣明顯回落,客運周轉量同比上漲5.00%,較8月的9.18%下跌4.18pct,增幅在三大航中最小。相比而言國航的運力投放幅度變化不大,本月運力增速微跌至7.30%,客運周轉量增幅環比下跌2.30pct至7.40%,跌幅最小。 [https://www.satismax.hk/ 網上營銷課程] ,國航本月客座率同比下跌0.70pct至81.40%,跌幅小于南航的2.50pct和東航的1.52pct,領先優勢進一步擴大。</p><br /><br /><p>人民網哈爾濱4月19日電 近年,海倫市加大了電商發展力度,按照“企業主體、政府引導、統籌規劃、分步實施”的基本原則,積極引入專業第三方電子商務服務企業,整合本地龍頭企業、快遞物流、農特產品和傳統商貿流通體系,以電子商務進農村綜合示范為載體,積極拉動農村消費,促進農民增收,帶動就業創業,推動電商助力扶貧,成效顯著。</p><br /><br /><p>目前,總面積6100平方米的海倫市電子商務創業園內,電商公共運營服務中心、產品展示銷售中心、物流倉儲配送中心、電商創客孵化中心、電商培訓中心等功能性設施均已投入使用。</p><br /><br /><p>市級電子商務運營服務中心依托電子商務創業園,除提供網絡代購、生活繳費、在線支付等基礎服務外,還能提供網店微商開設、網上營銷推廣、店鋪運營托管等增值服務。</p><br /><br /><p>現已有8家電商服務企業以及黑龍江硒谷米業有限公司、黑龍江龍海食品有限公司等5家實體企業電商部門入駐運營中心開展業務,“黑土硒都”電商平台已經上線運行,線上銷售產品70余種。</p><br />
Not too long ago if one was asked exactly what a trust seal is, they could have responded with &quot;I don't know&quot;, or &quot;a trust who?&quot; Trust certificates are getting to be a hugely popular issue today, I even saw a post recently on 3rd party verification - Surprisingly enough, this short article was found on the popular virb, not the kind of place you might generally plan to obtain an article of this sort.<br /><br />I'll begin with where you should purchase trust certificates from <br /><b> [https://www.suckingtoto.com/ www.suckingtoto.com] </b>. Among the more common trust seals seen today is called Hacker Safe, noted for its PCI (Payment Card Industry) scanning. Hacker Safe is among the leaders in site seals today, however, it can be quite costly as a result of that this has numerous competitors catching up to it. One other popular certificate provider is named Control Scan. If you do not need PCI scanning (you don't sell more than twenty-thousand products annually and store senstivive information including credit-cards) you may want to take a look at a number of the other choices such as Trust Guard. Trust Guard does not do PCI scanning, however, they verify your internet site to actually can be a legit business. They offer 5 different kinds of seals off their privacy seal on their certified seal, each one of these verifying another section of your site.<br /><br />One reason I enjoy it is it has a great reference(link) inside to another site called Trust the vendor which looks at a few different options where you can purchase trust certificates. There are various sites like <br /><b>https://www.suckingtoto.com/</b> that gives certificates but it's important to determine that can benefit your site probably the most.<br /><br />So since you now know a number of places where you may purchase trust seal's from, you might still be wondering why you should purchase them.<br /><br />Well by law some companies are needed to do PCI scanning (high level of sales), others basically them through to boost their conversion or sales rate. Displaying trust certificates on your website is a virtually guaranteed way to increase online sales because the third party verification ensures consumers that it is okay to buy of your stuff. I would personally recommend visiting site <br /><b>https://www.suckingtoto.com/</b> for a more depth check into trust certificates.<br /><br />I hope that you got something out of this article mainly because it didn't go deeply in to the subject but lightly treaded on the value of them. Again, I suggest viewing all these site for several more detailed articles.

Revision as of 16:22, 17 July 2019

Not too long ago if one was asked exactly what a trust seal is, they could have responded with "I don't know", or "a trust who?" Trust certificates are getting to be a hugely popular issue today, I even saw a post recently on 3rd party verification - Surprisingly enough, this short article was found on the popular virb, not the kind of place you might generally plan to obtain an article of this sort.

I'll begin with where you should purchase trust certificates from
www.suckingtoto.com . Among the more common trust seals seen today is called Hacker Safe, noted for its PCI (Payment Card Industry) scanning. Hacker Safe is among the leaders in site seals today, however, it can be quite costly as a result of that this has numerous competitors catching up to it. One other popular certificate provider is named Control Scan. If you do not need PCI scanning (you don't sell more than twenty-thousand products annually and store senstivive information including credit-cards) you may want to take a look at a number of the other choices such as Trust Guard. Trust Guard does not do PCI scanning, however, they verify your internet site to actually can be a legit business. They offer 5 different kinds of seals off their privacy seal on their certified seal, each one of these verifying another section of your site.

One reason I enjoy it is it has a great reference(link) inside to another site called Trust the vendor which looks at a few different options where you can purchase trust certificates. There are various sites like
https://www.suckingtoto.com/ that gives certificates but it's important to determine that can benefit your site probably the most.

So since you now know a number of places where you may purchase trust seal's from, you might still be wondering why you should purchase them.

Well by law some companies are needed to do PCI scanning (high level of sales), others basically them through to boost their conversion or sales rate. Displaying trust certificates on your website is a virtually guaranteed way to increase online sales because the third party verification ensures consumers that it is okay to buy of your stuff. I would personally recommend visiting site
https://www.suckingtoto.com/ for a more depth check into trust certificates.

I hope that you got something out of this article mainly because it didn't go deeply in to the subject but lightly treaded on the value of them. Again, I suggest viewing all these site for several more detailed articles.